#WeekOfGratitude – Whimsical Wednesday


Today’s gratitude focus is on a fun or funny memory.

They say that laughter is the best medicine and, in lots of ways. Laughter:

-Releases of a cocktail of happy chemicals that boosts the immune responses.
-Laughter diminishes the secretion of cortisol and epinephrine, while enhancing immune reactivity.
-Laughing leads to the release of endorphins.
-Helps dislodge blocked emotions stored in the body.
-Laughter stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation.

Today, take a deep breath and take a mindful moment to focus on these fun or funny memories.

Share that memory with people. It can be face to face or through social media. It doesn’t matter except to spread happiness!

Mindful Gratitude

Gratitude Meditation:


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