#MindfulMayChallenge: Week 1-Mindful Object


Week 1: 30th April-6th May 2018
Mindful Object
– Take time each day to notice something specific about an everyday object.

Before you begin:
This is the first week of the #MindfulMayChallenge. If you are doing this as a whole class or school, take a few minutes to explain what the challenge is about: Developing mindfulness through noticing and observing the world around you in a way that allows you to find calmness in being present.
Explain or remind the children that mindfulness is a life skill that allows us to take control of our emotions rather than our emotions taking control of us.

Now we can get started!

This week, each day we will observe the details of the objects around us; man made and natural environment. We will take the time to note the smaller details of objects. We will spend a Mindful Moment enjoying the awe of the little things that make up the bigger picture.

1. Take a few deep, mindful breaths before you begin.
2. Choose any object from within your immediate environment and focus on it for a minute or two.
3. Don’t do anything except notice the thing you are looking at; relax into watching for as long as your concentration allows.
4. Really take the time to see the object.
5. Allow yourself to visually explore every detail and allow yourself to be waddle in its presence.
6. Allow yourself to connect with the object.
7. Make a note of this mindful moment by one of these activities below or one of your own.
8. If this is being done with a class, allow a few minutes to discuss what was noticed and how we can use this strategy to bring calm into our lives.

Taking It Further: Mindful Object Meditation 

Using objects as the focus of mindful meditations allow us to root ourselves in the present moment.

If the week has been successful, on the last day try the Mindful Object Meditation. This will take not take any more time, but will be spread out often through the day . Details on how to do a Mindful Object Meditation can be be found here: https://educationsvoice.wordpress.com/2016/08/27/a-teachers-mindfulness-a-new-year-begins-part-2-mindful-object-meditation/

NOTE: This May be difficult for children younger than 8-9 years old.

Suggested Activities

1- Keep a photo record of mindful moments each day.
– create a weekly collage
– Share daily photos or collage with others (don’t forget to add #MindfulMayChallenge)

2- Create a display (classroom, staffroom, workroom) and add your Mindful Moments using pictures, post-it notes, drawings, etc and watch mindfulness literally grow.

3- Use the #MindfulMayChallenge flower sheets to journal each day with a few words or drawings to document the month. (found below)

4- Get families involved by encouraging them to take part at home either before or after school to support greater development of mindfulness for all that are a part of our lives.

Engage with Education’s Voice through each week’s blog post (www.educationsvoice.wordpress.com), Twitter (@Ed_Tmprince) or Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/educationsvoice/ ) by sharing where the challenge has taken you that week (at home, at school or work place). Ensure you use #MindfulMayChallenge in your posts!





Developing mindful practice is a life time endeavour. Even as it becomes part of our daily habit, we need to take a moment to consider our mindfulness, how we use it and how it makes us feel.

The more mindful we become and how that mindfulness supports our positive mental health and well-being, the deeper our mindfulness becomes.

This is true for both our children as well as ourselves as adults. With this in mind, we have set up the #MindfulMayChallenge.

Each of the five weeks in May will have a new Mindful Focus along with both adult and child friendly strategies. You, your family, your class and your school can take part and develop mindfulness together.

How to take part?


1- Pledge to take part in #MindfulMayChallenge. Let us know by reply to any of our social media sites and post this badge on your social media, website or school/work display.

2- Read the Overview for each week so you are aware what is coming up. Below is a list of suggested general activities you can be prepared to use, especially if you are using this in your classroom or work place.

3- Each new week will begin on a Monday. Thus, the first week will actually begin on Monday 30th April in order to give 5 full week’s. On the Saturday before the week begins, a new post on www.educationsvoice.wordpress.com will be posted to support the challenge.

4- Engage with Education’s Voice through each week’s blog post (www.educationsvoice.wordpress.com), Twitter (@Ed_Tmprince) or Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/educationsvoice/ ) by sharing where the challenge has taken you that week (at home, at school or work place). Ensure you use #MindfulMayChallenge in your posts!

5- If you have any questions, please feel free to ask by emailing me at evmindfulness@outlook.com .

#MindfulMayChallenge Weekly Overview


Week 1: 30th April-6th May 2018
Mindful Object– Take time each day to notice something specific about an everyday object.


Week 2: 7th May-13th May 2018
Mindful Smell– Take time each day to notice a specific smell in your surroundings.


Week 3: 14th May-20th May 2018
Mindful Body– Take time each day to notice how different parts of your body feel.


Week 4: 21st-27th May 2018
Mindful Touch– Take time each day to notice how everyday objects feel.


Week 5: 28th- 3rd June 2018
Mindful Taste– Take time each day to notice the taste of foods and drinks.

Suggested Activities

1- Keep a photo record of mindful moments each day.
– create a weekly collage
– Share daily photos or collage with others (don’t forget to add #MindfulMayChallenge)

2- Create a display (classroom, staffroom, workroom) and add your Mindful Moments using pictures, post-it notes, drawings, etc and watch mindfulness literally grow.

3- Use the #MindfulMayChallenge flower sheets to journal each day with a few words or drawings to document the month. (found below)

4- Set a specific time each day for your mindful moment so that it becomes a habit. You only need a minute or two once you explain what the #MindfulMayChallenge is all about.

5- Remember to check each Saturday for the next week’s challenge post.

Find more mindfulness strategies for children and adults here: www.educationsvoice.wordpress.com or for more ideas for teachers, 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Mindfulness In The Classroom published by Bloomsbury. More information can be found here.


Mindful Presence – Take a Knee


Mindfulness is an everyday psychological capacity to be in the present moment and allowing calmness to fill the moment. It is not some sort of magical cure all for life. The key to mindfulness is not waddling in the emotions you feel but to be present within the emotions.

Presence refers to the stability of mindfulness, which means the degree to which you are grounded in awareness itself.

I was reminded of this while watching the movie, After Earth, starring Will Smith and his son, Jayden Smith. The movie is a morale tale disguised as a Sy-Fy movie. Mindfulness is the key to their survival (though mindfulness is never mentioned). Their ability to not allow themselves to be overcome by emotions but to use emotions to their advantage is their supreme weapon.

The use of Mindful Presence was highlighted several time by “Take a knee” scenes. Watch this movie clip to get a better understanding:


We may not be in a space ship wrecked in a hostile environment. But, many times our brains don’t know the difference. The stress created in everyday life can make us feel as if we are fighting for our lives. The panic over test scores, Ofsted inspections, parental complaints, staff morale, children’s behaviour, community perception, paper work, rules, laws, family responsibilities… I could go on forever. The Freeze, Flight, Fight mode is so primal and so automatic that, at times, we don’t even realise we are in this constant state of anxiety. Sometimes we just need to STOP and TAKE A KNEE!

How can you practice Mindful Presence?
A quick and simple way to practice Mindful Presence is to STOP.

10 Second Mindfulness- STOP

This is a simple but effective strategy to refocus our attention.

S– Stop what you are doing. Root yourself in this present moment.
T– Take a deep breathe. Breathe in for a count of 5, hold for a count of one and exhale for a count of 8.
O– Observe what is happening around you at this moment: sight, sound, smell. How do you feel?
P– Proceed with what you were doing.

Do this as often as you need during the day. Those few mindful moments can change your reaction to what is happening around you leading to a better positive response that changes the course of events.


You may want to make a few copies of the photo with the acronym and put it in key places as a gentle reminder to “Take A Knee” and give yourself a mindful moment.

Continue reading “Mindful Presence – Take a Knee”

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