Mindful Gratitude During a Pandemic

Ok, let’s be honest! 2020 has been rubbish!

There really isn’t any way to get around that. It started out so promising as we rung in the new year but it quickly turned out to be one that was going to challenge the whole world when the COVID-19 Pandemic reared it’s ugly head.

The stress and pain it has caused to everyone was not what anyone was prepared for. Our usual resilience quickly began eroding as we have been faced with challenges we never even contemplated or planned for. This is the basis of best selling novels and movies. Not actual life!

However, here we are heading towards the end of 2020 and we are living in a time like no other.

It is easy to get caught up in the negativity that the pandemic has brought with it. We start to focus on what we can’t do, what we lost and what we want back in our lives. We forget that negativity feeds negativity but TODAY you can change that.

Pledge to show mindful gratitude today. Use this time to find the things you are thankful for in your life no matter how big or small that may be.

Positivity begets positivity and with that a positive mental attitude that fortifies the resilience we will need to stay strong in the mist of adversity.

How can you have Mindful Gratitude?

1- Guided Meditations: Some people have a hard time starting a practice of Mindful Gratitude. Our negative thoughts push away the positivity or we just don’t know where to begin. Start the day with a Guided Meditation for Gratitude. Allow the meditation to guide you through your exploration of gratitude. Here are some nice Gratitude Meditations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL76Tcrfnqwv5Mxt47DEZaZ1s6Ps3L3tL6

2- Make a List… one thankful thought at a time. You don’t have to make a long list to develop gratitude. You don’t even need a fancy sheet of paper or notebook. Just start a list. Begin each day by writing one thing you are grateful for onto the list and each day read the list in it’s entirety.

3- Thank You Notes/Cards/Emails/Social Media Posts: Choose one person or group of people that have make a difference in your life (big or small). You can do this anonymously if you like. It doesn’t matter. Just write the note and ensure they get it. Expressing gratitude makes both you and the receiver feel better. Why not do this every day or week?

Life will not always be a bed of roses, as we know. There will always be a thorns along the way.

How you react to those thorns will set the scene for your everyday life. Mindful gratitude reminds us to appreciate the scent of those roses.

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