End the School Year with Mindful Gratitude



I’m sitting here on a Sunday afternoon in the sunshine contemplating the last three weeks of the school year. There is so much to do. Reports have been finished but still need to be printed and signed, the end of year performance is in it’s last days of prep, school trips are being prepared along with the million of things to prepare for the new school year that begins in only two months time. Children are tired, staff are tired and parents are waiting anxiously for the “tag you’re it” hand over that will be coming shortly. We can get lost in the whirlwind of the last few days.

Thankfulness leads to increased well-being and, especially, positive moods by increasing our general happiness that is lasting. The residual effects of happiness stay with us, particularly if we are mindful of the happiness and choose to “waddle” in happiness.

Participating in Mindful Gratitude could be a great way to tackle the end of the year. Spending some time reflecting on the wonder of the year, the achievements, the changes and the time that has passed can offer a respite to the chaos the end of year brings.

Take a look through the Gratitude ideas that may be the perfect solution to celebrating the end of an exciting year.

Thankful Wall– Each day until the end of the year, give each child a post-it note and have the children write one thing they have been grateful for his year. It could be big like mastering multiplication or small like getting to be in the same class as their best friend. Watching the gratitude grow gives children a visual link to gratitude.

Gratitude/Thankful diary– Each child has their own diary that they write, draw or glue in things they are thankful for in their lives. In times of upset, they can look through their diaries to remind themselves of all the things that make them thankful.

Thank You cards or letters– Old school! But, it is a powerful tool allowing children a tangible outlet to show gratitude to the people who have made a difference in their lives!

Gratitude Video– Get the children to work in small groups to make a series of videos acting or telling everyone in a creative way the things they have been thankful for this past year as part of a “Welcome to Your New Class” video for the next year’s class.

ABC Gratitude Book– As a class or as small groups, create an ABC Gratitude book with each letter being something they are thankful for. Have the children illustrate and make into a book to share with younger children.

#WeekOfGratitude– This is a five day activity to help yourself and your children mindfully focus on the good things in life. It is all explained here: https://educationsvoice.wordpress.com/weekofgratitude-mindfulness-development/

Maybe you have a great idea! Share it with us in the comments below and help us all end the year being Mindfully Thankful. It will make us all feel good and focus on the important things in life.

#WeekOfGratitude – Family Friday



Today’s gratitude focus is on what is good and special about your family. Every family is unique and special. No two families are the same and we need to celebrate those differences!

Today, take a deep breath and take a mindful moment to focus on your family. identify what makes them so special.

Share that memory with people. It can be face to face or through social media. It doesn’t matter except to spread happiness!

Classroom Tips:
Mindful Gratitude

Gratitude Meditation:


#WeekOfGratitude – Thankful Thursday


Today’s gratitude focus is on what you are thankful for in your life.  Being thankful allows us to see the good in things beginning a spiral of positivity.

Today, take a deep breath and take a mindful moment to focus on things you are thankful for.

Share that memory with people. It can be face to face or through social media. It doesn’t matter except to spread happiness!

Mindful Gratitude

Gratitude Meditation:


#WeekOfGratitude – Whimsical Wednesday


Today’s gratitude focus is on a fun or funny memory.

They say that laughter is the best medicine and, in lots of ways. Laughter:

-Releases of a cocktail of happy chemicals that boosts the immune responses.
-Laughter diminishes the secretion of cortisol and epinephrine, while enhancing immune reactivity.
-Laughing leads to the release of endorphins.
-Helps dislodge blocked emotions stored in the body.
-Laughter stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation.

Today, take a deep breath and take a mindful moment to focus on these fun or funny memories.

Share that memory with people. It can be face to face or through social media. It doesn’t matter except to spread happiness!

Mindful Gratitude

Gratitude Meditation:


#WeekOfGratitude -Thoughtful Tuesday

Today’s gratitude focus is on how others have been helpful to you. Over time we can take for granted the help others give us. It can be as simple as a note saying someone is thinking about you to a big as teaching you how to do something new.

Today, take a deep breath and take a mindful moment to focus on those people that make your life a little better. Really focus on those people and take a moment to let them know you appreciate what they do or have done for you.

Share that memory with people. It can be face to face or through social media. It doesn’t matter except to spread happiness!


Mindful Gratitude

Gratitude Meditation:


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