Quick Mindfulness Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety and Stress- Part 2 Mindful Object

Recently, our days seem to be filled with thoughts flitting between lamenting what has happened in the past to what may happen in the future. Our lives have been turned upside down both at work and at home. The endless decisions and changes are putting us at constant high alert and anxiety.

Mindfulness is returning your attention to this present moment; not worrying about the future and not lamenting the past, just appreciating this very moment and appreciating the breath.

We need to give ourselves a reminder and can do this through the Mindful Object Meditation.

Mindful Object Meditation

Once you are dressed for the day, choose an object you are wearing or keeping in a pocket to be your mindful object. It can be a ring, your id badge, necklace, tie, shoes, your watch, a button on your shirt, an item in your pocket, etc. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it is something you will see several times.

During the day, at any point you notice your mindful object, touch it, take 3 *deep mindful breaths paying attention to the air flowing in and out your body.

*Deep Mindful Breath- Inhale for a count of 5, hold for a count of 1 and exhale for a count of 8.

This simple meditation takes only seconds but it gives mindful focus for those few seconds and calms the mind so that you can be the best person possible.

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