#MonthOfMindfulness Challenge Day 26 – Developing Mindfulness One Day at a Time


We all have times when we have negative feelings toward someone in our lives. At times we can become preoccupied with that person, creating a spin of negative emotions.

Today, we are going to practice Loving Kindness Meditation. This meditation encourages openness and empathy while also helping to strengthen our sense of connection with others.

Loving Kindness Meditation

– Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably. (From start to finish, this task will take about 15 minutes.)

– Using a tablet, smart phone or computer go here: https://youtu.be/sz7cpV7ERsM

– sending kindness to someone you dislike or who has made you angry will probably feel hard or negative at first. But, those feelings should fade away as you continue to meditate.

Make a mental note about this #mindfulmoment and congratulate yourself for being in the present.

Share your experiences here on the blog or on Twitter @Ed_Tmprince #MonthOfMindfulness .

#MonthOfMindfulness Challenge Day 15 – Developing Mindfulness One Day at a Time


The acronym RAIN, first coined about 20 years ago by Michele McDonald, is an easy-to-remember tool for practicing mindfulness. RAIN is a tool for self-compassion.

Over the last few weeks we have focused on being calm, kind and compassionate, especially towards others. Today, we are focusing on loving ourselves just the way we are.


R– Recognise what’s going on. Consciously acknowledge the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are affecting you.

A– Allow the experience to be just as it is. Allow by simply pausing with the intention to relax your resistance and let the experience be just as it is.

I– Investigate with kindness. Simply pause and ask what is happening inside yourself.

N– Natural LOVING kindness towards yourself! Give yourself a mental hug and tell yourself that you are a good, kind and compassionate person. This is like a Random Act of Kindness from you to you.

Do this at least twice today.

Make a mental note about this #mindfulmoment and congratulate yourself for being in the present.

Share your experiences here on the blog or on Twitter @Ed_Tmprince #MonthOfMindfulness .

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